Task 3.3

Connect with Your Teachers

Task #3: Organize a brief time to meet with one of your teachers to review your IEP in private. Use the meeting as a chance to review the accommodations listed on your accommodations student card or IEP summary.  If there is an upcoming activity, assignment, or test, use the opportunity to discuss if an accommodation might help. When meeting with your teacher, remember to use the I-ASK and Alt+CM+Leave steps in your discussion.

Tip: Bring a copy of your IEP or list of accommodations to the meeting.  Role-play your request with a friend, classmate, teacher, or parent if you feel you need practice.

Communication is a key step in self-advocacy and getting the supports you need.  It can take some initial effort and might feel uncomfortable the first time you connect with a teacher.  However, it will get easier in subsequent meetings and will prepare you for life after school.

Final Thoughts:

In order to be a successful self-advocate, you need to know who you are and what you need.  You need to be aware of your personal rights, and be able to communicate effectively with others about your needs and rights.  It might take some problem-solving and assertiveness at times, but your life will be so much better if you can advocate for your personal needs in school and life.  Self-advocacy truly is about taking control over your life!

Motivation: Read this final quote and consider learning more about Preparing for Life After High School.

Seuss Quote

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