DTP Task 1.3

Applying for Disability or Accessibility Services:

Post-secondary institutions can provide all kinds of supports. This video can assist you in registering for support from a Disability or Accessibility Services program at university:

You may be wondering what it looks like to advocate for supports once accepted to a college or university and you have been registered at Disability or Accessibility Services Department.  Watch this video to get a sense of the kinds of self-advocacy skills you will need when connecting with an instructor.  This video also gives you a sense of the kinds of self-advocacy skills you should be learning and practicing in high school.  This video is produced by a Canadian university, Mount Royal:

Task #3: Write a short journal entry about what you have learned in this section on making the transition from high school to post secondary studies.  Share your journal response with a teacher or parent.

Some Final Thoughts

Please know that it is your choice if you would like to disclose your disability to a school or employer in the future.  With a completed Digital Transition Portfolio, you can move forward into the world of post-secondary studies with confidence that you can advocate for the supports that you need- when you choose to do so.

Please consider visiting the page: Student Feedback on Modules.  The site developers would like your feedback on making the modules better.

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