Task 3.1

Developing Communication Skills

If you have an Individual Education Plan (IEP), you have the right to access the accommodations in your IEP.  The goal of this module is to learn how to communicate those rights and request accommodations and supports.

In high school, teachers often have many students and may forget to provide an accommodation that is needed and listed in an IEP.  It’s important to note that teachers want their students to be successful and that students should not hesitate to request the supports listed in an IEP.  When you request an accommodation from your teacher, remember to pick an appropriate time to connect with that teacher.  Setting up a time to meet right after class can be helpful, as it can provide you with privacy and ensure your teacher is not too busy.  When requesting an accommodation, it is helpful to have a strategy.

IASK: A Strategy for Requesting Supports

IASK is an acronym that can assist you in remembering the steps to request an accommodation.  There are four simple steps to communicating your request from a teacher.

IIdentify yourself as a student with an IEP

AAsk for an Accommodation

SState how this Strategy helps you

KKeep advocating when needed!

Tip: Ask your Case Manager or School’s Special Education teacher for a list of the accommodations that you can access or a copy of your IEP.  You might feel more secure having a conversation with your teachers if you can show them an official school document.

Watch this video to learn more about the IASK Strategy:


Task #1: Some students might need practice learning this strategy.  Role-playing can be a good way to develop communication skills.  Complete role-playing activities 1 and 2 in 4.2_ Accommodations Role-Playing Cards.  Practice the role-playing situations with a friend, classmate, teacher, or parent.  Pay particular attention to the way in which the IASK strategy is used in each role-play.

Continue on to Task 3.2



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