Lesson 5: Motivation and Security


Test, Fowler, Wood, Brewer & Eddy (2005) indicate that for students to become successful self-advocates, they need a knowledge of self, a knowledge of rights, and the communication skills to advocate.  However, students can have the skills to self-advocate, but may choose not to advocate. Centerrino (2016) argues that there is a choice in exercising self-advocacy skills, and that this choice is often shaped by a student’s feelings of safety or belonging. This researcher’s findings suggest that a student will self-advocate if they feel safe and supported in doing so but might not if there is a possibility of negative interactions with teachers, parents, or others.  In this lesson, students will practice their strategies for requesting accommodations and supports. In order to facilitate a sense of safety and security, students will be provided with an Accommodations Student Card in order to assist with communication and provide a measure of confidence.  An IEP summary can be used in place of an Accommodations Student Card.

Lesson Materials:

5.0_ Developing Communications Skills and Addressing Motivation and Security

5.1_ Requesting Accommodations from Teachers

Accommodations Student Card: A Communication System for Advocacy

Continue to Lesson 6: Developing Leadership Skills


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