Task 1.2

Watch the next video to learn more about what a learning disability is and why you need to understand how it impacts a person:


Teacher/Parent Connection: This video makes reference to an IEP (Individual Education Plan) and the importance of learning to accommodate and compensate for your difficulties.  Your task is to connect with a teacher or your parent to find out if you have an IEP.  If you have an IEP, ask for the opportunity to read through it, as well as any assessments that show you have a learning disability  Take the time to read through the documents as they will highlight your strengths and weaknesses.  Most importantly, note the strategies that are suggested to help you with learning.

Do not hesitate to ask for help from someone with reading and understanding your IEP and assessments!  Most teens will need help.  By investing the time in this activity, you will gain a richer understanding of yourself and what you need to be successful.

Task #2: After reviewing your IEP and connecting with your teachers, spend some time thinking about your strengths and stretches. Please also think about your solids (the skills we perform with consistency and without paying much attention).  Please complete 1.2_ Developing Knowledge of Self.

Tip: You may wish to search for word bank of character traits and resume skills (many online resume websites offer these lists and are an excellent resource for these kinds of activities).

When you have completed this task, spend some time sharing your reflection with a teacher or parent.

Continue to Task 1.3

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